Seven years ago, a group of three enthusiastic students released the first patch of the popular football game PES. Seeing that clients are satisfied, we worked worth and followed the developments of the game because we wanted to announce in right time identified deficiencies of the basic game. All our work and effort are published in the form of download on our website, which is available free for anyone who wants to take. Our goal is to have timely new patch and to share it with customers in the short term, likewise we will do it in the future.
Working for free
Bearing in mind that we work for free, we invite you to reward our work by donating coffee, juice or beer on the link below and to give us support and show that support our efforts. While you enjoy playing Qpes patch with beer, we work hard. Receive us into your team like we take you to our, we will make a new patch and drink beer with you. In the company is better.